How To Use The Astra Bulk Edit Plugin?

In this Astra theme tutorial, we show you how to effectively use the Astra Bulk Edit plugin to your advantage and save lots of time in enabling or disabling headers, featured images, sidebars, footers, etc. to pages and posts.

Bulk editing in WordPress is the easiest way to make changes to all your pages and posts at once. By default, you can change the author, enable or disable comments, switch posts or pages back to draft, etc.

But, Astra theme creators, Brainstorm Force, have taken the bulk editing feature to the next level and created a dedicated plugin for Astra theme, called the Astra Bulk Edit plugin.

It is a free plugin and available on WordPress.

Let us see how to use this plugin.

Installing & Using The Astra Bulk Edit Plugin

Before elaborating all the steps, I’d like to mention in brief.

  1. Install and Activate Astra Bulk Edit plugin
  2. Go to Pages or Post
  3. Select all, click on Edit, and then click on Apply
  4. Like the WordPress bulk edit options, you will also see Astra settings for bulk editing
  5. Apply your required setting and press update

Step 1- Installing Astra Bulk Edit Plugin

From your WordPress dashboard, hover your mouse on Plugins, and click on Add New.

Type Astra Bulk Edit in the search box.

You should see the Astra Bulk Edit plugin, by Brainstorm Force. Install and Activate the plugin.

It is a popular plugin with 90,000+ active installs, helping Astra theme users community in bulk editing activities.

Step 2- Go To Posts

In WordPress, click on Posts.

This will open all posts. If you want to see all your posts, dropdown the Screen Options menu and increase the items (posts) per page to 100 or a higher number.

Click on Apply and close the Screen Options menu.

Step 3- Select All Posts

Select the Title Column (first column) to select all posts.

Now, dropdown the Bulk Actions menu, select Edit, and click on Apply.

Editing all posts at once

As soon as you click on Apply, you should see the Astra Settings menu that come with Astra Bulk Edit plugin.

Astra Bulk Edit plugin with multiple settings

From here you can make several changes.

Mostly, all options like Header, Transparent Header, Footer, Sidebar, etc. come with enable/disable option.

You do not get these many options to edit at once with the default WordPress bulk edit feature.

This is a great plugin developed by Brainstorm Force and only works with the Astra theme.

Use Cases of Astra Bulk Edit Plugin

This lightweight plugin can be used in several situations.

Firstly, you can select multiple posts or pages and enable or disable a sidebar. Giving your content a narrow width boxed look for long-form articles or posts.

Another example, would be to create custom page headers in Astra Pro, and enabling page headers on specific blog posts or pages.

Let’s say you’ve created a Top bar and have hooked it above header. Now you only want few pages to display that top bar. Select the required pages, open Astra’s Bulk Edit settings, and enable the Top bar under ‘Above Header‘ drop down menu.

WordPress Bulk Editing Options

Astra theme users have an upper hand when it comes to bulk editing.

The Bulk Edit plugin by Brainstorm Force offers more than what a common WordPress user gets.

Let us have a look at what options you normally get when bulk editing in WordPress.

All bulk edit options offered by WordPress

You get to change categories, post author, allow or disallow comments, change the status and format of post, and make blog post sticky on your website.

You do not get further customization options like enabling/disabling headers, footers, sidebars, page headers, etc.

For users who are not using Astra theme and need further bulk editing options, can download plugins like Bulky and Bulk Edit by Codexin Technologies to edit image alt tag, caption & description.

FAQs – Astra Bulk Edit Plugin

Is the Astra Bulk Edit Plugin free to download and use?

Yes, the Astra Bulk Edit Plugin is free to download and install.

Can I edit bulk titles and categories with Astra bulk edit plugin?

You can easily edit titles and categories of multiple posts and pages using the Astra bulk edit plugin.

Can I use the Astra bulk edit plugin with any other WordPress theme?

No, the Astra bulk edit plugin only works with the Astra WordPress theme.

Share and Enjoy !

Ankur Purecha
Ankur Purecha

I am in love with WordPress, building websites, doing SEO, and all that kind of stuff. I generally write about WordPress, Blogging, and SEO on BloggingIdol.

Articles: 104

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