How to Delete a Blog on Blogger? – BloggingIdol

Want to know how to delete a blog on blogger then check this complete tutorial. Blogger is one of the very popular free blogging platforms. There are other blogging platforms too, like WordPress and Tumbler but blogger becomes popular among them.

With blogger, you can create a free blog with dot Blogspot extension or you can also link your own custom domain with blogger.

It means you need not to pay for hosting even if you use blogger with a custom domain.

Hosting is one of the major costs to start a blog and at the initial level, every new blogger goes for shared hosting. Some of the very popular shared hosting services are Hostgator and Bluehost for beginners.

If you want to start with a custom domain you can buy it from Namecheap or GoDaddy.

But if you already built a blog on blogger with custom domain or with Blogspot extension and you want to delete it, then you are at right place.

There may be many reasons to delete a blogger blog but make sure you want to delete it. And if you want to delete you took the necessary steps.

Because if you want to migrate your old blog from blogger to WordPress then it is required that you took a backup of your blogger blog before deleting it.

For some other reasons you may need your old blog so it is advisable, you took a backup of your blog. So let’s see how to take XML backup of blogger blog.

How to Backup Blogger Blog

To export blogger blog to WordPress or any other platform first you need a backup of the blog.

Login to your blogger account with your Gmail id.

Go to Setting -> Other and click on Back up Content button under Import & back up section.

how to backup blogger blog

Then a popup box will appear on the screen.

Click on Save to your computer. XML file of blogger blog will be downloaded to your computer.

Now we have a backup of the blog and we can delete blog without worries. Now let’s check out how to remove blog from blogger.

How to Delete Blogger Blog

There are many advantages of the blogger over shared hosting like it can handle any traffic without the burden of bandwidth. So if you work on event blogging and earn for some particular days or months. Why spend money on hosting for years.

WordPress has its own advantages and your blog will be self-hosted. In this case, you need to worry about someday when Google can shut down blogger service. WordPress has a variety of themes and plugins you can choose to make your blog more appealing.

So let’s back to business how to wipe out your blog from blogger.

Login to your blogger account and go to Settings -> Other

And Click on Delete blog.

Here a popup will appear and will ask to Download your blog but as you have already downloaded XML file of your blog. You need not to download it again. Simply click on Delete This Blog.

Great !!! your blog has been deleted. On blogger, you can create multiple blogs so after deleting this blog your other blog dashboard will be opened.

Wait, Wait

Made a Mistake...

I delete my blog by mistake. Don’t worry we can recover that blog easily. A deleted blog will appear in deleted blog section in the left-hand corner.

So you can undelete that blog easily.

Restore Your Deleted Blog

Mistakes happen, and sometimes you might delete a blog post or even an entire blog that you later regret. If you act quickly, you can restore a deleted blog within 90 days of deletion. Here’s how:

  1. On the Blogger page, click on down arrow at the top left. From the dropdown menu, locate the recently deleted blog.
  2. Click on the name of that blog, and you will see an “Undelete” button.
  3. Click on Undelete button and restore to blog.

Remember, it’s always a good idea to carefully consider your decision before deleting a blog or a blog post. If you’re unsure whether you’ll need the content in the future, consider archiving it instead of deleting it outright.

Permanently Delete Your Blogger Blog

Let us say you know what you are doing and want to permanently delete your blogger blog, without having to wait for it for 90 days.

Here are the steps to do so.

  1. Click the bottom arrow at the top left part.
  2. From the deleted blogs section, click on recently deleted blog.
  3. Click on Permanently Delete.

However, you need to aware that once you permanently delete a blogger blog, then this action cannot be reversed. So, be careful before you perform this action.

Also Read:

FAQs – How to Delete Blogger Blog?

Deleting blogger blog will delete blogger account or Gmail account?

No, deleting blogger blog will not delete blogger account or Gmail account. You can create about 100 blogs on one Gmail or blogger account.

How do I recover a deleted blogger?

If you deleted your blog by mistake then you can get it back from deleted blog section in the left hand side. As for now you can recover it within 90 days of deletion.

How to remove URL from Google search result pages?

There is no need to do that. Your blog posts will be removed automatically from SERP’s but if you want to remove them soon.
You have to go to Google Search Console and there you can put URL’s to remove.

After deleting a Blogger Blog, can we create another free blog?

Yes, after deleting your old Blogger blog, you can again create a fresh new Blogger blog

For more information about blogging, WordPress and earn online you can check blogging category on our website.

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Robin Mehta
Robin Mehta

Hello Robin here, I am a blogger, youtuber, SEO guy and Digital Marketer. I love to write about technology, facts and online marketing. On this blog I share everything for a successful career online.

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